Jakarta (BERITAPOLITIK.ONLINE) — Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) is hopeful that the Tourism Bill (RUU Kepariwisataan) can become a comprehensive regulatory framework capable of safeguarding harmony between humanity and nature (ecology), as well as technological innovation.
Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti, Vice Chairman of Commission X DPR, stated that they strive to ensure that the country’s needs do not harm the ecosystem by absorbing aspirations from various segments of society to enrich the academic draft so that the resulting policies reflect sustainable principles.
“We understand that the state is obligated to preserve cultural heritage, history, cultural heritage sites, and consider the social conditions of local communities while preserving natural resources and environmental sustainability,” said Agustina in a statement received in Jakarta on Wednesday (13/03/2024).
The Tourism Bill is a revision of Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism. This revision is a regulation proposed by the DPR RI and the Regional Representative Council (DPD RI).
According to Agustina, Commission X needs to conduct further analysis and engage in intensive communication to explore and absorb input from various sources to ensure that the concept of the Tourism Bill being drafted can be implemented according to the needs of the society.
She also agrees that inclusivity is a fundamental value in drafting the Tourism Bill. According to her, this inclusivity will be a strong driver for regulating investments for tourism revitalization.
Therefore, she is confident that the Tourism Bill can bring a “breath of fresh air” in the form of tourism concepts within a region and a philosophical approach to tourism that aligns with current situations and conditions.
Currently, the Special Committee on the Tourism Bill of Commission X DPR RI is absorbing aspirations from various segments of society to enrich the analysis of the Tourism Bill before it is submitted to the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR for harmonization.
Source: ANTARA